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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Special announcement from Connie S. Roy, Meritus CU President/CEO

It is with abundant appreciation and great respect for each of you that I announce my retirement. After 32 years of serving you and nearly 20 years as President/CEO, I will launch the next season of my life in which I look forward to volunteerism in my community and spending more time with my family. I am grateful for the opportunity to have added value to people’s lives so they can help their families. The even bigger reward is one that money can’t buy: it is that as servant leaders we participate in God’s plan to make a real difference in lives and demonstrate how much we care.

My leadership has been driven by what our members need in order to improve their financial well-being. Sometimes they need convenient services, sometimes they need a great rate on a loan to build their dream home, and sometimes it’s the open arms of a staff member as they pour their hearts out in the case of a major hardship or the loss of a loved one.

The greatest joy in leading this credit union has been celebrating your special moments and financial milestones. When I hear, “I love Meritus Credit Union and have all my business with you” or “My son is building a home and you’ve made the process easy,” I’m reminded of how meaningful the credit union difference actually is. My all-time favorite words have been, “I was in an abusive relationship and you wrapped your arms around me and showed me the way out,” or “My credit deteriorated because my child was so sick and you helped me anyway.”

You see, I’ve been really privileged and blessed by God to lead an organization that helps the community in which we live. It’s never just about financial services; it’s about life.

Thank you to members that have supported me and your credit union over the years. Thank you to the former and current board members and other volunteers whom I’ve been privileged to work with shoulder-to-shoulder. Thank you to the current and former staff members whom I will never forget. Today, I remember my predecessor, Donald P. LeBlanc and pray that I’ve made him proud.

At this point you may be wondering, “What’s next for our CU?” I can assure you that our credit union has been blessed with many talented leaders who are just as passionate about Meritus CU and the credit union movement as I am. Our board of directors will soon be appointing the next President/CEO and an announcement will be made shortly thereafter. I’ll be working closely with my successor over the coming months to ensure a smooth and seamless transition.

My last day as your CEO will be September 15, 2020 but it won’t be goodbye. You will still see me doing what I love to do; leading Financial Peace University classes, offering one-on-one financial counseling, and volunteering in the community because it’s what God calls me to do.

Connie's Signature